
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Graduation Celebration

What did you do after high school graduation to celebrate? Any memorable party/ road trip/ vacation? Who did you go with? Here are some memories shared on our facebook page, share more in the comments!

From our facebook ~
Tiffanie Hibbert Wride: I went to Pasadena CA for the World Cup with Katie Gallagher Thomas, it was awesome :)
Holly Hanson: Tama Anderson, Janny Hortin, Alyssa Bowen and I went to Jackson Hole. it was fun!
Michelle Gatzemeier Speckman: um. . . I can't remember. I must not have done anything all that great. (I am getting pretty old, you know. Memory ain't what it used to be )
Tarrah Henrie: Amy Ehninger Ross had a party, and I went to that.
Jerry Vande Merwe: Went to work and closed. Probably did something after work
Amy Ehninger Ross: Of course I had a party. Steven Christensen and I also went to a party at Brandon Harvey's house, perhaps right after graduation, before my party. Driving away, a lady ran a stop sign and hit us so hard it broke the seat belts. At night, we got a room at The Cliff Lodge at Snowbird and partied with Mindy Lou-Who Stevenson and Marianne Wright-Channel. Then I was housesitting for a week or two and we might have partied nonstop there.